Deodoranterne er naturlige og nænsomt plejende, og der er kun brugt de allerbedste ingredienser. Alle ingredienser er af naturlig oprindelse, og så vidt muligt økologiske. Deodoranterne kan fås i forskellige varianter med naturlige dufte og sammensætning, så de tilgodeser hvert et behov. De fås bl.a. i en vegansk udgave uden bivoks, en fri for natron, og en med aktivt kul og magnesium, som detoxer og nedsætter stressrelateret sved. Fælles for dem alle sammen er, at de er uden aluminiumsklorid.
Routine er skabt af to canadiske svigerinder, Pippa og Neige. Med navne på deodoranterne som 'Superstar', 'Sexy Sadie', 'Like a boss' og 'The curator' har de lagt op til et kreativt og legende univers. Fokus er på ingredienserne, og deres ønske om at skabe effektive og sunde deodoranter.
"What you put onto your body, goes into your body" - Pippa og Neige.
Routine is a range of organic and natural deodorants developed to fit everyone. They fit women as well as men, they fit the ones with sensitive skin, and the ones who want a natural and effective deodorant.
The deodorants are all natural and carefully nourishing with only the very best ingredients. All the ingredients are of natural origin and as far as possible organic. The deodorants come in a wide variety of natural scents and formulations to meet everyone's needs. Some are vegan without beeswax, one is free of baking soda and one is with activated charcoal and magnesium, which detoxifies and reduces stress sweats. Common for all of them is that they are without aluminum chloride.
Routine is developed by two Canadian sister-in-laws, Pippa and Neige.
With deodorant names such as 'Superstar', 'Sexy Sadie', 'Like a boss' and 'The curator', they have created a playfull, fun and creative universe. Focus is the ingredients and their wish to create effective and healthy deodorants.
"What you put onto your body, goes into your body" - Pippa and Neige.